Disney's "Hercules" Live-Action Remake: Fan Cast

15 Actors (plus 1 vocalist) who would be perfect fits for the cats of the new live-action "Hercules" remake by Disney. Hercules has always been my favorite Disney movie ever since the first time I watched it, and it always will be. So, you can imagine my excitement over the news that a live-action remake of the film is in the works with the Russo Brothers directing. It may be irrelevant, but I had to do my fan cast for the film. It was a tough process, considering how picky and selective I am over who will be playing these characters. Each of them has certain traits that must be portrayed correctly, so each selection has been well thought out. At the same time, this is not to say that other actors wouldn’t do these roles justice. I’m someone who emphasizes watching a film first before reaching a final judgment on anyone. I’m sure there are plenty of actors who would do very well playing the characters in “Hercules”, whether they’re household names or up-and-comin...